Thursday, February 13, 2014

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Class Work

Activity #1:  Think back. What experiences have you personally had with the gadget of your choice? You will be writing a personal anecdote.
Step 1: Make sure the "story" supports your point of view on the use of technology. It must have a point.
Step 2: BRAINSTORM - Create a mind map.
Here are some samples:;_ylt=A0LEVxVwbvpSVwgAv19XNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTB0dGM5cmsxBHNlYwNzYwRjb2xvA2JmMQR2dGlkA1ZJUDMxOV8x?_adv_prop=image&fr=ytff1-yff25&va=mind+map Yours does not need to be this colorful or exotic, but it does have to explore the possibilities associated with your story and your chosen topic. (In-class activity/colored pens are available for your use.)
Next: See the link above for steps 3, 4, and 5.
In addition: Here are some samples. Read several to get the feel. An anecdote is short, but it has a point. Your anecdote should do the same.
Homework: Write the anecdote and post in CANVAS. It is due on Tuesday, February 18, 2014. (50 pts.) 

Activity #2:

Using numbers to support your point of view - Let's practice.

How much is a bottle of soda, coffee, or water here at EMCC?
How often do you purchase soda, coffee, or water each week?
How much do you spend each month?
How much do you spend each year?
What else in your life costs that much? Are you making a good investment?

If you started with the larger number and need a smaller number, show that one is only spending ______ amount per day. It might sound like a good deal!

Now let's look at charts and graphs.

UNC - Good informaiton:

Let's take a look at two charts. What do you see? (Scroll down)

Work with a partner and select a chart or graph from . Write a paragraph summarizing the information presented.

Post the chart and the summary in CANVAS. Be sure that both names appear on the document.  You only need to post in one person's Canvas slot. I can record the grades for all group members.

When writing an essay, it is not enough to say, "See Chart #1." You need to provide guidance for the reader by writing a summary that points out the information that helps you prove your point.

Activity #3 - Homework

Now it is time for you to locate a chart or graph that relates to your technological item. Chart and graphs can often be found in articles.

Copy/paste the chart or graph into Canvas.

Write a paragraph that explains the information you want the readers to see and understand. This should be information that proves your point. Post the paragraph.

Also, post the Works Cited information in MLA format.

Suggestion: Continue to conduct research related to your topic. Keep track of your sources.


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