Class Work
Getting to know your on-line book . . . a representative from the company will be giving a brief overview. You need your code. You MUST have your own code to join the class.
Peer Review of your Setting draft.
Technology: Friend or Foe
Today we will be exploring the advantages and dangers of technology.
1. Create a list of everything technological that you see or know about in this room.
2. Create a list of everything technological that you have used today.
3. Imagine your life without one of these wonders! For homework, give up your text messaging, Facebook, gaming system, cell phone, or television for at least 12 hours. (You may select something else to do without, but it must be something you use often and daily. You may not be sleeping during the entire time. Keep a diary of life without _________________. Can you do it? Are you addicted?
4. Group Activity - Are our brains on overload? Is technology really good for us? ( You have to be here for this one.)
5. How real it too real? Explore the possibilities with:
"The Veldt":
6. Time travel - would you travel through time if it were possible? Take a look at "A Sound of Thunder" and decide. (Reader's Theatre)
7. Thinking about writing . . . Get ready to write. Let's talk. (Handout) If you are absent, send me an e-mail and ask me to send the Technology Paper guidelines to you as an attachment.
1. Write the final copy of your setting essay. Bring a paper copy to class on Thursday. Use the Write Click feature to get tips.
2. Check the blog tomorrow for an assignment on Write Now/My Comp Lab
3. Begin your research for the technology paper. Select your item to research. Find the history. Begin your EasyBib Works Cited information.
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