Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Class Work

Today we are going to participate in the Humannequin Project in celebration of Women's History Month 2014.

  • You will be given a handout to use to take notes. (20 minutes)
  • Upon returning to class, you will complete a QuickWrite. Post in Canvas. (25 pts) Select one of the topics that made an impact on you. Write a one-page paper and discuss. Be sure that your paper shows how you agree or disagree with the visuals on display.
  • A brief discussion period will follow.
We have been discussing walls and barriers. Today we will continue on that journey.
Over the holiday you read several articles and responded to each. (See last Thursday's blog.)

Which article did you like the best? The least?

Take a few minutes to discuss at your table. Look back at the questions and reference your responses as you discuss.


We are going to begin watching In the Time of the Butterflies. The movie is based on a true story about the Mirabal sisters. In the movie, you will see situations where people are brought together and other occasions where they are torn apart. Take notes. Take a page and divide it in two: Things that separate vs. Things that unite.


Conduct some research.
1. Who were the Mirabal sisters?
2. Write a paragraph about General Rafael Trujillo
3. Describe what life was like in the Dominican Republic in the 1950s.
4. Create an MLA Works Cited page.

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