Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Tuesday - Oct. 30, 2012

Class Work
1. We will begin with the sharing of the art. Here was the assignment.
 Locate a work of art featuring your gadget! Include it in the following:
A. Create a visual electronic representation of your gadget. You may include a professional artist's or photographer's work.
B. Give credit to the source. This can be as simple as a PowerPoint page or two. Or, you may use one of the many sites that are out there to help you organize your visuals.
Consider taking pictures of the gadget. Consider taking pictures of users, yourself included.
C.  Bring the "project" to class on Tuesday. You are limited to three slides. We will share these.
D.Be sure your work is on a Jump Drive! No exceptions! 30 points for the PowerPoint - 20 points for sharing.

If you have not saved your work to a jump drive, you may borrow mine for this activity.

This is how the presentation will go:
A. Show the art. Explain why you selected this particular piece of technology. Explain what the artist is saying about the work of art. If there are symbols in the colors, explain what they represent. Example: Red often represents courage or anger, depending on what else is going on. White often stands for purity or for oblivion depending on the rest of the work. Think. Make some connections.
B. Explain how you plan to use this information in your essay. What do you want others to know and to do about your selected technology?

As you listen, think of a question to ask the presenter,  or think of a statement to make about the art or object. I would like to hear at least two remarks per presentation. I will keep track.

(You will be given two slips of paper. Write your name on each. When you ask a question or make a statement, give your name slip to me. Five points will be awarded per question for a total of 10. Post "finished" MyCompLab  so that I can award the points.)

2. Let's take a look at the writing assignment:

Technology – Friend or Foe?

For this essay, you are writing to convince the opposition. Consider the dangers and advantages of technology. For this essay, you must pick a side. Think of this essay as a debate on paper. You must know what the opposition thinks, but you do not support that point of view.

I. Introduction –

a. Identify the specific technology you will be discussing – cell phone, computer, automobile, dishwasher, microwave, GPS, etc.

b. Capture the attention of the audience in the normal way with startling statistics, an interesting anecdote, a quotation from an expert, lines from a song or poem, a thought provoking question, etc. In short, make sure that what you say makes the reader want to know more.

c. In addition, state your thesis – make your point of view clear! (Some of you may be taking a creative approach. See me if this is the case.)

II. The body of the paper will do several things –

a. Convince the reader that their either need or do not need the technology.

b. Provide a brief history of the specific technology you plan to discuss. What was life like before its invention? When was it invented? How has it evolved? What is its story?

c. Provide clear evidence to support your point of view. You must have proof from

i. At least three experts/sources.

ii. A current news source such as a newspaper or magazine article or news cast.

iii. An interview with at least one user.

iv. A personal anecdote.

v. Lines from literature – poem, short story, or novel. Use lines from "The Veldt", “There Will Come Soft Rains”, or other SciFi literature.

vi. Strong statistics from an expert source.

vii. Reference to an art selection.
The body of the paper will be several paragraphs in length.

III. Conclusion –

Wrap it up for the readers. Leave them with a call to action to either give up or get the gadget you are supporting. Be sure they know why they need or do not need one. Consider:

a. Convenience

b. Cost

c. Safety

d. Environmental impact

e. Impact on society
3. Obviously, you will begin with an introduction.


Let's take a look at some. Each table will be given an introduction to review. Discuss:
A. Would you want to read the rest of the essay? Explain.
B. If the answer is  "yes", what made it interesting?
C. If the answer is "no", what would have worked better? Give specific suggestions.
D. Think about the guidelines we reviewed in class. Is your assigned introduction a good one? Why or why not?

See the following:
Group 1: P. 425
Group 2: p. 257 - fist two paragraphs under "Join the Flock!"
Group 3: p. 203 - first three paragraphs under "Let's Talk About Sex."
Group 4: p. 163 - first two paragraphs under "Soulful Survivor Sewing"
Group 5: p. 159 - first two paragraphs on the page.
Group 6: p. 101 - first three paragraphs on the page

Be sure to read the title of your assigned work. To what extent is the title a part of the introduction? How important is the title? What are the features of a good title?

4. Now it is time to put YOU into the essay by providing a personal story or experience.
Consider including some of the following:
A. First memory of the object
B. Good experience
C. Bad experience
D. Recent use
(Details are important. Consider the use of the five senses in your memory. Conversation is important. Dialogue makes writing come alive.)

Homework: Write a 1/2 to 1 page "memory" of an experience with your technology. Post in MyCompLab. (25 pts)

Homework: Write a draft of the introduction to your essay. You will probably revise later as introductions often present themselves as the paper develops. Give it your best shot. (25 pts)

Homework: Locate statistics related to your "technology". (5 pts.)Post the information in MyCompLab along with the source. (5 pts.) In addition, explain in two sentences if you agree or disagree with the information. (5 pts.) There is a total of 15 points for this activity.

Homework: Locate an inaugural address from the President of the United States of your choice. Either bring a paper copy to class on Thursday or be able to locate it quickly on the computer. We will be looking at persuasive techniques.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Thursday - October 25, 2012

Class Work
(These are the activities we will complete in class.  You do NOT need to complete these assignments before class. The Homework is listed below.)

1. From your homework, what articles did you find about the benefits and/or dangers of technology? On a post-it note, write the most memorable piece of information from your research and post it on the wall. Sign your name.(Post-it provided.)
2. Walk around the room and read. Respond to three posts in writing. (3 post-its provided)
3. Go back to the wall and collect your original thought and the responses.
4. Discussion: Where are we as a society? Are we in charge or is technology? What are the dangers? What are the advantages?
5. How did you do without your technology for 12 hours? Are you an addict? To what extent is that a bad thing? To what extent is this addiction a good one?
11:00 am class - We will finish "There Will Come Soft Rains" (10 minutes)
6. What is the impact of technology on children? What are the dangers? How is "life" different for children today than it was for you?
7. What do the experts say?

8. Skim and scan http://www.squidoo.com/television_and_children  Click on the link for the article The Influence of Media Violence on Youth. It is a 30 page document. Look at the headings. Find three that are of interest to you. Focus on those. Be prepared to share your findings.

9. Let's take a look at numbers. Can you read a chart? Can you translate the information from numbers to sentences? http://videogames.procon.org/view.resource.php?resourceID=003627

10. "The Veldt" by Ray Bradbury . . . another "house" with issues.

How real it too real? Explore the possibilities with:
"The Veldt": http://www.veddma.com/veddma/Veldt.htm

Reader's Theatre . . . or Audio reading . . . Part 1:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KSoigRHHNLM
Part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Px7ihSd9bXM&feature=relmfu

Part 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yYQuOX-NQIY&feature=relmfu

Preview of coming attractions...
Technology – Friend or Foe?

For this essay, you are writing to convince the opposition. Consider the dangers and advantages of technology. For this essay, you must pick a side. Think of this essay as a debate on paper. You must know what the opposition thinks, but you do not support that point of view.

I. Introduction –

a. Identify the specific technology you will be discussing – cell phone, computer, automobile, dishwasher, microwave, GPS, etc.

b. Capture the attention of the audience in the normal way with startling statistics, an interesting anecdote, a quotation from an expert, lines from a song or poem, a thought provoking question, etc. In short, make sure that what you say makes the reader want to know more.

c. In addition, state your thesis – make your point of view clear! (Some of you may be taking a creative approach. See me if this is the case.)

II. The body of the paper will do several things –

a. Convince the reader that their either need or do not need the technology.

b. Provide a brief history of the specific technology you plan to discuss. What was life like before its invention? When was it invented? How has it evolved? What is its story?

c. Provide clear evidence to support your point of view. You must have proof from

i. At least three experts/sources.

ii. A current news source such as a newspaper or magazine article or news cast.

iii. An interview with at least one user.

iv. A personal anecdote.

v. Lines from literature – poem, short story, or novel. Use lines from "The Veldt", “There Will Come Soft Rains”, or other SciFi literature.

vi. Strong statistics from an expert source.
vii. Reference to an art selection.
The body of the paper will be several paragraphs in length.

III. Conclusion –

Wrap it up for the readers. Leave them with a call to action to either give up or get the gadget you are supporting. Be sure they know why they need or do not need one. Consider:

a. Convenience

b. Cost

c. Safety

d. Environmental impact

e. Impact on society
Note: #1 has been changed to be more student-friendly. Forget the numbers for now.
1. Conduct some informal research. Find someone to interview who is a "user" or "viewer" of the technology you have selected for research. Create a list of at least five questions to ask the individual.Try to find out if they favor or disapprove of the object or activity. Post your questions and answers in MYCOMPLAB under "Interview." (25 pts.)
2. Locate a work of art featuring your gadget! Include it in the following:
 Create a visual electronic representation of your gadget. You may include a professional artis'st or photographer's work. Give credit to the source. This can be as simple as a PowerPoint page or two. Or, you may use one of the many sites that are out there to help you organize your visuals.
Consider taking pictures of the gadget. Consider taking pictures of users, yourself included. Bring the "project" to class on Tuesday. You are limited to three slides. We will share these. Be sure your work is on a Jump Drive! No exceptions! 30 points for the PowerPoint - 20 points for sharing.
3. Locate an article that tells of the history of your gadget. Write a short summary and post in )MyCompLab. Include the Works Cited information in MLA format. Remember, EasyBib is your friend! (Of course, you may use another citation machine. The goal is to have the formatting correct.(25 pts.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Today we will be exploring the advantages and dangers of technology.

1. Create a list of everything technological that you see or know about in this room.
2. Create a list of everything technological that you have used today.

3. . Imagine your life without one of these wonders! For homework, give up your text messaging, Facebook, gaming system, cell phone, or television for at least 12 hours. (You may select something else to do without, but it must be something you use often and daily. You may not be sleeping during the entire time. Keep a diary of life without _________________. Can you do it? Are you addicted?
4. Group Activity - Are our brains on overload? Is technology really good for us?
First, get a copy of the note sheet.
Second, listen for your numbers.
Third, read "I Can't Think" by Sharon Begley from the February 27, 2011, issue of Newsweek.
Fourth, define your terms and give examples.
Fifth, "work the room" and get the notes from others. When you are finished, you should have a clear understanding of some of the dangers of technology.
Sixth, write a brief agree/disagree paper of two or three paragraphs stating if you think technology is making us crazy or if it is a benefit to mankind. Privide at least ONE clear personal example. Post in MyCompLab. You have 20 minutes to complete this writing activity.
5. Read "There Will Come Soft Rains" by Ray Bradbury
and the poem by Sara Teasdale by the same name:
There will come soft rains and the smell of the ground,
And swallows circling with their shimmering sound;
And frogs in the pools singing at night,
And wild plum trees in tremulous white;
Robins will wear their feathery fire,
Whistling their whims on a low fence-wire;
And not one will know of the war, not one
Will care at last when it is done,
Not one would mind, neither bird nor tree,
If mankind perished utterly;
And Spring herself, when she woke at dawn
Would scarcely know that we were gone.
Is this a vision of our future? What perdictions have come to pass that were once just the musing of Science Fiction writers?
6. Meet EasyBib. (Feel free to use another citation machine, but follow along today. This one works IF you click the correct buttons. It is free. That is always the right price. It is accurate. This saves you time.)

1. Locate three articles that focus on the dangers or advantages of technology. Summarize each and post your summary in MyCompLab. Also, post a Works Cited page for the entries.  Due: Thursday, October 25th.
2. Read pp. 248-256 in Write Now. Complete exercise #1 on p. 256 and post your paragraph(s) in MyCompLab. Due: Thursday, October 25th.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Thursday - October 18, 2012

Class Work
1. Let's look at the rough drafts of the Essay of Introduction.
  • Review the EMCC Writing Rubric - you may view a copy at any time by going to Blackboard and clicking on the Rubric button. A paper copy will be provided for your use today. Put your name on the top as the author.
  • Seat yourselves in groups of four.
  • You will pass your paper to the reader on the right. The first reader is the editing editor. Note mechanics' issues only. Yes, you may write on the paper!
  • The second reader is the Content editor. Check subject matter, focus, and support issues. Basically, do you need to know more? If so, ask questions.
  • The third reader is the Clarity editor. Check for organization. Ask yourself, "Does this make sense?" Also check for Language Usage. Ask yourself, "Do the sentences sound like standard English sentences?" Make notes and comments as needed.
  • By now, the paper should be back to the author! Revise as needed. Submit the final copy in MyCompLab as noted in the assignment there. Give me the paper copy of the draft and peer editing notes. This will be worth 25 points. (Due Tuesday!)
Checking in to MyCompLab . . . make sure you see your name on my roster! If you do not, you are not registered for the proper class. Make the changes! - Stay signed in for the next few minutes as you will be
2. What is "yellow" in "The Yellow Wallpaper?" (Sharing) Why "yellow?"
3. What Gothic elements are in "The Yellow Wallpaper?"
4. What did you find out about the author? To what extent did you find the story to be autobiographical? (Discussion)
5. What is Postpartum Depression? Do a quick search for the symptoms and current treatment of Postpartum Depression. http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/postpartum-depression/DS00546/DSECTION=symptoms (Other sites have information as well.)
Also check MyCompLab. Click on Composing. Click to locate current research on this and other topics!)Watch and follow along . . .
Is it possible that the narrator is suffering from this disorder? What evidence exists?
6. What treatment and procedures is the narrator undergoing? How do these compare to the treatment that is recommended today?
7. Let's look at the room where the narrator resides. Describe it. Of what does it remind you? Where would you expect to find rooms like this?
8. Is it  possible that there really is a woman in the wallpaper? (Discuss)
9. What is the relationship between the narrator and John? What ultimately happens to John? Whose fault is that - John's, the narrator's, or the woman in the wallpaper?
10. How do film makers view this story? Let's look.
PBS - movie: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4FFkaaXzj8k&feature=related
Note: If we do not finish the movie in class, finish it for homework and complete #11 as explained.)
How does the movie differ from the short story? Was there a real lady in the wall?
11. If you were to make the movie today, what changes would you make? (Post your responses in MyCompLab - note 10 changes you would make. You make make additions or deletions. Explain why the changes would be needed for an audience in 2012.) Due: Tuesday (20 Pts.)

The homework assignments are listed in MyCompLab. Please complete each as explained. They are all due Tuesday.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Tuesday - Welcome to Class

Class Work
1. Introductions -
  • First, walk around for the next five minutes - inside or outside.
  • Take a picture or two or three of things/scenes that are of interest to you or that you find just plain amusing. (Use your camera phone. If you do not have a camera phone, just make a quick sketch of the item(s)
  • Return to class
  • Define the object - you may visit www.dictionary.com or other dictionary site to help you. However, define the object in your own words.
  • Describe the object. Use your five senses: touch, taste, smell, sight, and sound.
  • Think about you and your life. How are you like that object? Why is the object of interest to you? How does it relate?
  • Introduce yourself to the class and share your object. Explain how you are like the object/scene. You may use the definition to help you draw connections.
  • Homework: Write a 1-1 1/2  page introduction. Include the description and definition of the object in your short paper. Most of all, tell how you and your life experiences relate to the object. Bring a paper copy of the draft to class on Thursday.  Be sure you have an electronic version as well.  Jump drives or copies e-mailed as attachments to yourself work! You will be posting the final copy in MyCompLab. The final is due next Tuesday and MUST be posted in MyCompLab . . . no paper copies will be accepted.
2. How to succeed in English 102 - The Syllabus - You can view the syllabus by going to Blackboard and clicking on the "syllabus" button on the left side of the page. Let's look together!
3. Moving into Unit #1
A. "Story of an Hour" activity: http://www.vcu.edu/engweb/webtexts/hour/
  • Create a mind map for Mrs. Mallard. What are the things she considers after hearing the first news of Mr. Mallard? Look back at the story. What are the most important words and phrases? Place those in the mind map.
  • Name Game - What do the names mean? Look at What to Name the Baby sites for help.
  • Is this a murder mystery?
  • What happens next? Join a group and tell the next chapter from the viewpoint of the assigned character:
    • Mr. Mallard
    • Josephine
    • Richards
    • Doctor
    • Police (Pretend they were summoned.)
    • News Reporter (Pretend they came as well.)
B. What were the roles of men and women in the early 1900s?
C. How do those roles differ today? What has caused the changes?

4. List all the things that are yellow - you have two minutes - GO!
5. What did wallpaper look like in the early 1900s? http://historicstyle.com/traditional/1880to1900/index.html
6. Gothic Elements in Literature: http://www.virtualsalt.com/gothic.htm
7. Begin reading "The Yellow Wallpaper". Highlight anything yellow. Highlight anything gothic. http://www.library.csi.cuny.edu/dept/history/lavender/wallpaper.html

1. See the information for the Introductory Paper as noted above.
2. Finish reading "The Yellow Wallpaper." be sure to highlight yellow things. In a different color, highlight gothic elements. Bring the highlighted copy to class on Thursday. Start to decide if this short story is a psychologic thriller or a gothic tale.
3. Locate information about the author, Charlotte Perkins Gillman. Create a "Top Ten" list of items readers should consider when reading this story.(10 pts.) To what extent is the short story an autobiographical account? Explain in a paragraph.(10pts.) Bring the information to class on Thursday. You have until next Tuesday to post both in MyCompLab.
4. Begin the diagnostic activities in MyCompLab. You have until next Tuesday to finish and report. See MyCompLab for details.