Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Exam Notes

You MUST be physically present the day of the exam. This is college policy.Our exam is Thursday, December 15, 2016.
AM Class: 8:00-9:50. Room 124
PM Class: 12:00-1:50 Room 122

You MUST be present on exam day. You may take the exam at either time.

Exam Topic: War
 Look back at previous blog posts for details.

  What to include in your essay:
  •      Introduction that:
    • Clearly identifies the topic
    • Identifies your position on the topic . Answers, "What's your point?"
  •     Body -
    • 3-5 clear reasons why the reader should believe you, the writer
    • These reasons need to be clearly supported with evidence . (Use in-text citations)
    • Literature, statistics, current media, news, interviews, art, quotations, history, etc. Persuade with these. You have a graphic organizer for this.
    • Your own thoughts about the subject - written in 3rd person unless you are including a personal example.
  • Conclusion - include possible solutions to the problem What do you want the reader to know, do, and/or understand as a result of reading your essay?  A good conclusion for a persuasive essay will leave the reader with a clear understanding and will help the reader to support your point of view.  
  • MLA Works Cited page
Follow the guidelines for MLA formatting and documentation throughout the essay.

Bring a paper copy of the draft to class for a peer editing activity that will count 10 points toward your exam grade.

Thursday, December 8, 2016

December 8, 2016 - Thursday


You MUST be physically present the day of the exam. This is college policy.

Our exam is Thursday, December 15, 2016.
AM Class: 8:00-9:50.
PM Class: 12:00-1:50

You MUST be present on exam day. You may take the exam at either time.

Class Work

AM Class: Finish In the Time of the Butterflies and discuss.

AM and  PM Classes: share and review introductions - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zDUPpKDQZIE
     A. Does the introduction capture the attention of the reader?
     B. Is the topic clearly identified?
     C. Is the author's position on the topic clear?
     D. Is there sufficient information to convince the reader that the topic is important and warrants the reading of the rest of the essay?

What to include in your essay:
  •      Introduction (See above for details)
  •     Body -
    • 3-5 clear reasons why the reader should believe you, the writer
    • These reasons need to be clearly supported with evidence . (Use in-text citations)
    • Literature, statistics, current media, news, interviews, art, quotations, history, etc. Persuade with these. You have a graphic organizer for this.
    • Your own thoughts about the subject - written in 3rd person unless you are including a personal example.
  • Conclusion - include possible solutions to the problem. A good conclusion . . . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2L7aeO9fBzE

How to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tAmgEa1B1vI

More information: https://www.kibin.com/essay-writing-blog/argumentative-essay-outline/

Pep talk! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AYo6XGDe_z8

Bring your rough draft to  the exam. Be sure you have a paper and electronic copy! During the exam you will:
1. Peer edit papers
2. Review and revise your essay
3. POST your final copy in CANVAS and submit a paper copy.
4. Submit your paper draft and peer editing notes.
5. Wave "good-bye" and go forth to enjoy the holidays and move on with life!

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

December 6, 2016 - Tuesday

Class Work

1. Review the questions for In the Time of the Butterflies/
2.  Talk about the exam - submit topics
3. Finish the movie and questions

When writing an essay, think of it as being in three parts.
A. Attention getting introduction including the claim
B. At least three good reasons supported with evidence (Use in-text citations)
C. A stunning conclusion

You must have a Works Cited page.
Use MLA Style.


1. Write the introduction to your essay - more if possible. Post in CANVAS by Thursday.
2. Bring your research notes to class as well.

You MUST be physically present the day of the exam. This is college policy.

Our exam is Thursday, December 15, 2016.
AM Class: 8:00-9:50.
PM Class: 12:00-1:50

You MUST be present on exam day. You may take the exam at either time.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

December 1, 2016 - Thursday

Reminder:  Our exam is Thursday, December 15, 2016.

AM Class: 8:00-9:50.
PM Class: 12:00-1:50

You MUST be present on exam day. You may take the exam at either time.

It is time to start thinking about your final paper. The topic you choose must relate to war, battle, walls, struggles, or a cause for which you would fight physically or with your time, money. 

Here is a graphic organizer to help you think, search, and organize. Do the center box first! All other boxes support your topic. (You may use the paper copy given to you in class, or you may copy/paste this graphic into a Word document and type away! You must submit your completed organizer with the exam.

Keep track of your sources. You need the sources for the Works Cited page.

Interview notes
Quotations from literature or music
Graphs and Charts
Sources of information: articles, books, pamphlets, government reports, magazine, and newspaper articles.
Items of interest/artifacts

 Now, on with the show! You need to answer the questions as they appear on the worksheet. We will discuss.