Tuesday, October 31, 2017

October 31, 2017

Image result for halloween pictures
Happy Halloween!

Class Work

1. You will be inviting three classmates to read and respond to your draft. Be sure it is showing on your computer screen or have a paper copy.

Peer Editing Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=24apK7i32xg

 Now it is your turn.

This is the peer editing sheet. You will be given a paper copy.

Author: ______________________________

Editor #1: ____________________________   Editor #2: _____________________ 
  Editor #3: ______________________

Editor #1:

Do you, the reader, understand the definition? Why or why not?

Pick out your favorite example and note it here. What made it strong? Why was it interesting?

Ask questions and give suggestions:  What else needs to be said? What else do you, the reader, need to know? (“Nothing” is not what you want to say here!)

 Is the definition accurate? Explain.

 Editor #2

How is the paper organized? Did it flow smoothly from beginning to end? Did the introduction capture your attention? Was the conclusion strong and memorable? Explain these points. Use the back if necessary.

What information did the author provide to clarify the definition such as dictionary definition; classmate definition, example from history, art, or music; quotation; example from the news; etc. Explain.

Did the author organize paragraphs, use clear and correct sentences, and select appropriate words? Explain.

Editor #3

You are the editor. Check for GUM. (Grammar/Usage/Mechanics)  Especially be on the lookout for run-on sentences, fragments, and comma splices. Note unusual sentence structure. Don’t be afraid to write on the draft or to make comments on the electronic copy. (There is an editing feature in CANVAS and in Word.

Use the yellow sticky note provided to write your major goals for revision - up to three. We will be sharing.

2. Quick Write - Topic: Fear and/or Halloween

What frightens you? What frightens others: spiders, big dogs, scorpions, snakes, getting lost, the dark...?

Think of a time you or someone you know was frightened. Talk about the event at your table.

Now, take up to 15 minutes to share the story on paper.  

3. A review of how to punctuate titles! https://www.thoughtco.com/punctuating-titles-1857242

4. Writing introductions: http://grammar.ccc.commnet.edu/grammar/intros.htm


Homework: Revise your definition draft. Refer to your peer editing sheet and to your goal sheet to guide your revisions. Also, revise your introduction and your conclusion as needed. You want to capture the attention of the reader. You also want a clear ending that shows the reader the true meaning of the word or term. 


Thursday, October 26, 2017

Thursday, October 26, 2017

  Activity #1 - Color Presentations
 1. Work with your group and review the visual and the information.
2. Make sure your name appears on the visual.
3. Verify that the visual has been submitted on Canvas by one member of your group.
4. Check that you have noted the name of the person who submitted in the the CANVAS box. 
5. Reminder: All group members must speak. Use the chart to guide your presentation. Each group will have up to five minutes to share but should take at least three of those minutes. Otherwise, you probably need to find some additional information.
6. Listen to the other group presentations and take notes.
Recap of Tuesday's Class

Getting ready to write a definition essay -
2. Getting ready to write with a graphic organizer!

Name: __________________________________________________________________
The word in  literature.
What it is NOT: (Negative definition)
The word in history:
Word/Concept to be defined:
Personal Definition:
Dictionary Definition:
The word in poetry/art/media:
Media includes movies and music.  
The word in the news:
How classmates define the word:

The first thing you need is a topic that relates to "The Yellow Wallpaper" and to "Story of an Hour."

Let's generate topics at your table. Send one person to the board as a scribe for your group.

We will work on the graphic organizer in class. Your homework will depend on how far we get. It will be posted after class.
Documenting sources: Learn to use EasyBib.
PLEASE use this FREE source for your Works Cited page. OR, use a similar source of your choosing. The formatting in MLA 8 is complicated to try to get all of the periods and commas in the correct places. Save  yourself some trouble! Let's practice.
 A. Locate three sources that you plan to use for your essay. 
B. Use EasyBib or other source to correctly format a Works Cited page.
C. Post your practice page in CANVAS. 
Tips for EasyBib:
  • Register for an account. They will never contact you. I have had an account for over five years. There is no spam to your mail. You may use a made-up name, but you must give a real e-mail. Your college e-mail works just fine. 
  • Click that you want MLA 8 formatting. 
  • For each assignment, create a new project name. That way your work is saved. You can manage the work - remove and add documentation- as needed.
  • Fill in any missing information when you are entering a source. Some information is just not available. Do not fabricate information. It is OK to leave blanks.
  • Click on all boxes until you have a REAL Word document showing. DO NOT copy/paste from individual entries. If you do, the formatting will be incorrect. 
  • Once you have a Word document, copy/paste it into CANVAS for credit for this activity.
  • Tips: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/05/
  • To view sample Works Cited pages, type Sample MLA 8 Works Cited page into the search engine. 
  • Post the practice page in CANVAS today!
Today's Homework: Write the draft of your definition essay. Bring a paper copy to class on Tuesday, October 31, 2017.  Post the draft in CANVAS. (50 points)  Include the Works Cited page. (25 points) 

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Tuesday, October 24

 Getting started:

What did you think of the movie? 

A quick report on the symptoms of a heart attack or heart trouble.

Over the weekend, you researched information about Charlotte Perkins Gilman, the author of "The Yellow Wallpaper." What did you discover about her life that relates to the story.

You also researched information about Kate Chopin, the author of "Story of an Hour." What events of her life and times might have influenced her to write the story?

To what extent did these authors use fiction to make social commentaries?(Discussion) What other movies attempt to convince viewers to understand an important point about society that needs change? (Discussion) 

Activity #1
A.  What yellow things are in "The Yellow Wallpaper?"Take out your lists/highlighted pages and at your table discuss how the "yellow" changed in the story. Go through it page by page. Write comments for each page on the paper provided. Be sure you names appear at the top of the page.

B. How might the story have been different if the wall paper had been a different color?
  • Your table will be assigned a color.
  • Research that color and create a visual of some sort to use as the focus of a brief class presentation. ( PowerPoint/ Word collage/ Prezi/ hand drawn sketch) This is a group activity.
  • Compose a list of 10 changes you might expect if the wallpaper had been a different color.
  • Ask for paper is you need it. 
  • Each group will present the information about the color AND explain how the story would have changed if the wallpaper in the story would have been that color. 
  • (50 points) Only one submission per group is needed. If you are the person who is elected to post the information, do so. Be sure all names appear. If you are not the person submitting on CANVAS, simply type the name of the person who did submit. 
You will have some time to work on this in class today. The presentations will be given on Thursday. Be sure you can communicate with the members of your group. Trade e-mails, used Google docs, etc. 
Activity #2

First, at your table, make a list of the "people" and things you would expect to find in a haunted house. 

Now that you have read the short story, do you think the protagonist was suffering a mental breakdown, or was she the victim of something supernatural? What evidence exists to support your point of view? (List = 15 points/ Paragraph(s) = 10 points Total = 25 points)

  • Take a look at this site. http://www.virtualsalt.com/gothic.htm
  • For homework - 
  • Look back at "The Yellow Wallpaper" and make a list of all of the Gothic items presented in the story
  • Conclude by writing a paragraph or two summarizing your findings as they relate to "The Yellow Wallpaper."
  • OR
  • Make a list of actions and words that suggest that the protagonist was unstable and/or suffering from illness,and the visions she had were symptoms of her treatment and condition. 
  • Conclude by writing a paragraph or two summarizing your findings as they relate to "The Yellow Wallpaper."
Post your list in CANVAS. (25 points) Due Thursday, October 26, 2017.
Activity #3
Getting ready to write a definition essay -
2. Getting ready to write with a graphic organizer!

Name: __________________________________________________________________
The word in  literature.
What it is NOT: (Negative definition)
The word in history:
Word/Concept to be defined:
Personal Definition:
Dictionary Definition:
The word in poetry/art/media:
Media includes movies and music.  
The word in the news:
How classmates define the word:

The first thing you need is a topic that relates to "The Yellow Wallpaper" and to "Story of an Hour."

Let's generate topics at your table. Send one person to the board as a scribe for your group.

We will work on the graphic organizer in class. Your homework will depend on how far we get. It will be posted after class.
Homework: Write the draft of your definition essay. Bring a paper copy to class. Post the draft in CANVAS. (50 points)