Thursday, April 30, 2015

April 30, 2015 - Thursday

Class Work

1. If you have not yet shared your "hero" presentation, this is the last call!

2. Write your topic and pattern of organization on the side board.
We will group first by topic.
A. Share your notes with the others. You need a paper copy - take a moment to print one
B.Talk about how you plan to use  the information you have on:
  • A reference to a work of art
  • An interview
  • A quotation or reference to music, movie, or literature
  • A news story - current and/or past
  • A quotation (There are many quotation sites.)
  • A reference to something in history
C.  Now, regroup by pattern of organization. Share the information you have on:
  • A reference to a work of art
  • An interview
  • A quotation or reference to music, movie, or literature
  • A news story - current and/or past
  • A quotation (There are many quotation sites.)
  • A reference to something in history
Share sources. In other words, be of help.

3.  Return to your seats. Let's talk about audience.
  • Who needs to know your information?
  • How will knowledge of your audience influence your writing?


4. Conducting Interviews


Create 5-7 questions to use in an interview. Today, you will serve as an interviewer and an interviewee for at least two others. Review your notes. Post your questions and the answers in CANVAS. Be sure to get permission to use the names of your interviewees. Due Tuesday, May 5.

In addition, conduct your interview with one person who is not in this class. Post their answers as well.

  • 5-7 questions
  • 3 interviews
  • Post 3 sets of notes.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Class Work

Let's finish the presentations! We left of will the ever-popular Spiderman!

How to:
Also see the graphic organizer.
A. Can you tell how the author felt about the topic?
B. Was a dictionary definition included?
Definition Possibilities
  • Strength
  • Pride
  • Courage
  • Dehumanization
  • Power
  • Glory
  • Honor
  • Fear
  • Valor
  • Wisdom
  • Intelligence
  • Cunning
  • Feel free to select a word not on this list
D. Evaluation
E. Process Analysis
F. Comparison/Contrast
Getting started:
"Shopping in America"
"Neat People vs. Sloppy People" (handout) or
G. Classification
Think of this as filling in the blanks. Begin with, " Kinds of __________________." Then go on to talk about each kind/group.
 (Students) The Geography of English 102
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 Paper Handout of Organizational Patterns
Additional possible topics:
  • The Music of War
  • Honoring Those Who Died - Final Resting Places
  • War in Art
  • War in Movies or on the Stage
  • Those Left Behind
  • Preparing for Battle
  • Why We Fight
  • Unlikely Heroes
  • The Good, Bad, and Ugly of Walls
  • The Aftermath of War or Battle
Broad General Topic: Walls and Wars
Guidelines for the essay:
1. Follow a clear pattern of organization
2. Include the following:
  • A reference to a work of art
  • An interview
  • A quotation or reference to music, movie, or literature
  • A news story - current and/or past
  • A quotation (There are many quotation sites.)
  • A reference to something in history
3. Follow MLA guidelines for in-text citations and a Works Cited page
4. Write 4-6 excellent pages!
Walls and War
1. Find your topic
2. Select a pattern of organization
3. Fill in a graphic organizer . . . brainstorm what you think you might include and list on your graphic organizer.
4. Locate at least three supporting articles from on-line sources. Include the URL and one or two sentences that note the important information you plan to use.
 Post in CANVAS. 50 points - Due April 30, 2015

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Class Work

Please meet with your group and prepare to present your hero stories!
Take brief notes on each:
Hercules - well, there might be more than a few notes on this hero.

Might/Mind . . . which "power" seems to work best for these heroes?

(Comparison/contrast would be a good organizational pattern for this topic!)

How to: What Is a Yankee?
Also see the graphic organizer.
Sample Essay:

A. Can you tell how the author felt about the topic?
B. Was a dictionary definition included?

D. Evaluation
E. Process Analysis
F. Comparison/Contrast
Getting started:
"Shopping in America"
"Neat People vs. Sloppy People" (handout) or

G. Classification
Think of this as filling in the blanks. Begin with, " Kinds of __________________." Then go on to talk about each kind/group.
Sample: (Baseball fans)
 (Students) The Geography of English 102

Let's review what is required for each.

1. Paper Handout

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Create a list of possible topics . . . Select two types of writing from the list below.  Generate three possible topics for each. 
  • Comparison/Contrast
  • Classification
  • Definition
  • Cause/Effect

  • Look back at your list and explain which topic is of most interest to you at this point in time. Elaborate and tell why. Provide two or three sentences that explain what you might include in the

    Tuesday, April 21, 2015

    Tuesday, April 21, 2015

    Class Work
    Let's get to know your heroes!  Take a few minutes to share a story at your table. Also:
    • Why did you select the hero?
    • What impressed you?
    • To what extent would the hero be a hero in today's American society?
    This was the homework:

    1. Locate visuals of your hero / ancient and modern
    2. Find out about any super powers the hero might possess.
    3. Who are the relatives and friends of the hero? Identify them. What did these relatives add to the development of the hero?
    4. What challenges does the hero face? How did he or she overcome those challenges?
    5. Pick one major episode in the life of your character and be ready to tell the story to the class.
    6. Look for any movies/books/stories that are based on the life of your hero. How faithful to the original?
    It is now time to prepare to share with the class. 
    A. Put together a visual that addresses the questions listed above. This can be created as a word document, PowerPoint/Prezi/poster, etc. Other ideas????
    B. Place the name of the hero in a visible space on your visual.
    C. You will be using the visual to help us know more about your hero.
    D. You have 20 minutes to work on this in class. Post in CANVAS by the beginning of class on Thursday. 
    E. Be sure to sign the presentation sign-up sheet. Presentations will be given oThursday.

    Getting Ready to Write
    Patterns of Organization

    You will need to select a topic that relates to walls, wars, and/or heroes. Let's brainstorm some possibilities as we look as some samples from the list below.

    A. Definition
    How to: What Is a Yankee?
    Also see the graphic organizer.
    Sample Essay:

    A. Can you tell how the author felt about the topic?
    B. Was a dictionary definition included?

    B. Problem/Solution
    C. Cause/Effect
    D. Evaluation
    E. Process Analysis
    F. Comparison/Contrast
    Getting started:
    "Shopping in America"
    "Neat People vs. Sloppy People" (handout) or

    G. Classification
    Think of this as filling in the blanks. Begin with, " Kinds of __________________." Then go on to talk about each kind/group.
    Sample: (Baseball fans)
     (Students) The Geography of English 102

    Let's review what is required for each.

    1. Paper Handout


    Thursday, April 16, 2015

    April 16, 2015

    Class Work

    First, please forgive me for not finishing the last 10 minutes of In the Time of the Butterflies on Tuesday.  We will do that now.

    Please finish the answers to the questions and post in CANVAS.

    Next: War Music

    Presentation guidelines:1. All members must contribute.  Your group will submit a sheet explaining the contributions of each member.
    2. Prepare slides explaining the war and the time period.
    3. Talk about the song writer and musicians.
    3. Explain why the song was popular - look at the lyrics and make logical links.
    4. Answer: Would the song be popular today? Why/why not.
    Time limit: Up to 5 minutes for a smaller group/Up to 10 minutes for a larger group.
    Have fun. Be creative! If there was a dance associated with the song, feel free to get those feet moving!

    You have a few minutes to plan for the presentation.  We will share TODAY.
    Take notes on the other presentations. Submit on paper once all are finished.

    1. Post the answers to In the Time of the Butterflies.
    2. Complete your work for the "ancient hero" assignment and post.

    Have a nice weekend!

    Tuesday, April 14, 2015

    April 14, 2015

    Class Work

    On Thursday, you joined a group.

    Group #1: Michael
    Group #2: Carlos, Breanna, Nicole, Mariah, Charlotte
    Group #3: ?
    Group #4: Devan, Bella, Bre, Vanessa, Alexio, Leticia
    Group #5: ?
    Group #6: Osualdo,Jesus, Rodrigo, Carlos, Kenny
    Group #7: Cesar, Bryant, Selena, Christian

     These are the topics:
    1. Revolutionary War
    2. Civil War
    3. World War I
    4. World War II
    5. Korean War
    6. Vietnam War
    7. Iraq/Afghanistan

    This was the homework: look for and listen to war songs or songs associated with your group's era. Bring what you consider to be the top three tunes to share with your group. In addition, complete B and C for ONE song and post what you find in CANVAS by Tuesday.

    Personally, you needed to list three songs of the era in CANVAS and complete B and C for one of the songs. 

    Each group will select 1-2 songs from the era to share with the class. Your presentation will answer the questions C-D4.  (Large groups of 3+ will present two)

    PowerPoint is grand for this. Other presentation software works, too! In addition, play part of the song for the group. Youtube is one resource. There may be others.

    A. Share the tunes at your table. Yes, it will be a bit noisy in here for about 10 minutes.
    B. Locate the lyrics and share them with your group.
    C. Tell how the lyrics relate to the war and the era. (If you don't know about the war or the era, do a bit of quick research.
    D. Groups, prepare to share one or two songs with the class depending on the size of your group.  E. Share how the lyrics relate to the war and the era.

     1. Why the song was popular.
    2. How it was representative of the war.
    3. Why it fit the time period. (What was going on in the world aside from the war?)
    4. Explain why the song would or would not be popular today.

    Presentation guidelines:
    1. All members must contribute.  Your group will submit a sheet explaining the contributions of each member.
    2. Prepare slides explaining the war and the time period.
    3. Talk about the song writer and musicans.
    3. Explain why the song was popular - look at the lyrics and make logical links.
    4. Answer: Would the song be popular today? Why/why not.
    Time limit: Up to 5 minutes for a smaller group/Up to 10 minutes for a larger group.
    Have fun. Be creative! If there was a dance associated with the song, feel free to get those feet moving!


    Explore ancient heroes.  Visit these sites. Feel free to look at others you may come across. Select one hero for future study.

    This site will give you some generic facts.
    A. Select a hero and answer the following:

    1. Locate visuals of your hero / ancient and modern
    2. Find out about any super powers the hero might possess.
    3. Who are the relatives and friends of the hero? Identify them. What did these relatives add to the development of the hero?
    4. What challenges does the hero face? How did he or she overcome those challenges?
    5. Pick one major episode in the life of your character and be ready to tell the story to the class.
    6. Look for any movies/books/stories that are based on the life of your hero. How faithful to the original?
    Post in CANVAS- Due Tuesday.
    Eventually, you will be sharing your "hero" information with the class.

    Thursday, April 9, 2015

    Class Work

    A. This was the homework:
    Watch the news. Find an event that is current as of the last five years that relates to human rights. Bring the article to class or have the URL handy so that you can quickly locate it. Be prepared to discuss how the current issue is similar to or different from the events portrayed In the Time of the Butterflies.

    At your table, take up to two minutes each to discuss the current event.

    B. Continue watching the movie. Let the questions guide your viewing.

    C. Join a group!
    1. Revolutionary War
    2. Civil War
    3. World War I
    4. World War II
    5. Korean War
    6. Vietnam War
    7. Iraq/Afghanistan

    For homework, look for and listen to war songs or songs associated with your group's era. Bring what you consider to be the top three tunes to share with your group. In addition, complete B and C for ONE song and post what you find in CANVAS by Tuesday.

    These are the questions your group will need to answer for the class.

    Personally, you need to list three songs of the era in CANVAS and complete B and C for one of the songs.

     A. Listen to at least three songs from your era.
    B. Locate the lyrics
    C. Tell how the lyrics relate to the war and the era. (If you don't know about the war or the era, do a bit of quick research.
    D. Prepare to share one song with the class. Share how the lyrics relate to the war and the era. Consider:
     1. Why the song was popular
    2. How it was representative of the war
    3. Why it fit the time period. (What was going on in the world aside from the war?)
    4. Explain why the song would or would not be popular today.

    Tuesday, April 7, 2015

    April 7, 2015 - Tuesday

    Class Work

    1. What War Art did you select? Take a few minutes to show and share at your table.
    A. Why did you select that work?
    B. Where is it located?
    C. What war or wars does it "honor?"

    2 Back to the Mirabal sisters:
    A. What was life like in the Dominican Republic when the sisters were young?
    B. What do we, the viewers, know about the family situation?
    C. Why did the sisters finally get to go to school? What type of school was it?
    D. Name of the leader of the Dominican Republic at that time. What were some of his policies?

    3. You will be given a handout with 25 questions about the movie. We will discuss the answers in class. Post your answers in CANVAS at the conclusion of the movie. You do not need to type the questions. Do type each question number.


    Watch the news. Find an event that is current as of the last five years that relates to human rights. Bring the article to class or have the URL handy so that you can quickly locate it. Be prepared to discuss how the current issue is similar to or different from the events portrayed In the Time of the Butterflies.

    Wednesday, April 1, 2015

    April 2, 2015 - Thursday

    Class Work

    You will be given a number . . . 1, 2, 3. First, research the information. See #s below. Make a few notes. You have 7 minutes. Then, meet with others who share your number.
    1. Who were the Mirabal sisters?
    2. Who was General Rafael Trujillo?
    3. Describe what life was like in the Dominican Republic in the 1950s.

    4. Keep track of your sources. 

    Share with others in your group. Visit a variety of sources. Share the information you found. Create ONE document for the group.

    Now, return to your home table. Share what you learned with others.

    Questions for discussion:
    A.  What do you know about the Mirabal sisters? At your table, agree on the 5 most important facts.
    B. What do you know about General Trujillo and his rule? At your table, list the 5 most important facts.
    C. What was it like to live in the Dominican Republic in the 1950s?

    Let the show begin . . . We will be watching In The Time of the Butterflies. Keep track of the events and people that unite and those that divide. (bridges and walls)


      A. Write the final copy of your war movie review and post in CANVAS. 

    B.  Locate a work of art that relates to war. This is in preparation for a short presentation to the class. Think about the following: 
    Looking at War Art

    1. What is the title of the work? How does the title help you to understand the message? What is the message?
    2. What is the most obvious image in the work. To where is your eye drawn?
    3. Look at the colors. Are they symbolic? Would the message be different if the colors were different? Explain.
    4. Study the shading and shadowing. How do these elements impact the overall message?
    5. Who is the artist? When was the work created?
    6. Is the artist's message about a specific event in history? Name that event. What was going on in the world when the work was created?
    7. Is the art universal - speaks to people of all times and in all places, or is it limited to the audience for whom it was created.
    8. How does the work relate to us in 21st century America? 
    • Post your "answers/reflections" in CANVAS.