Thursday, October 31, 2019

October 21, 2019 - Thursday

Class Work

1. Finish viewing In the Time of the Butterflies.

2. Discuss the major themes of the story. Refer to your chart. (table assignments & sharing)

3. What happened after Truillio in the Dominican Republic? In what ways did the Butterflies carry on?

4. What things did you "carry" to class today? Make a list. What does this list say about you? What is important to you? What do you fear? For what are you ready? 

Quck Write

Look at the thngs you carry. In what ways do this items reflect you? Anotheray of thinking bout this is to explain hy you carry the things. 

12 minutes (25 points) 

We will save the discussion of "The Things They Carried" for Tuesday.

What monuments or memorials or other celebrations honor heroes? (List & discussion)

Pick one. Research the need, design, implementation/building, and message. Report your findings by Tuesday. Keep track of your sources. Post the information in CANVAS. 

Monday, October 28, 2019

Week #12 October 29

Class Work

A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles. Christopher Reeve

A hero is no braver than an ordinary man, but he is brave five minutes longer. Ralph Waldo Emerson

1. Make sure you submitted the final draft of your essay.

2. Discussion

Name the Mirabel sisters.

Where do they live?

Who is the leader of the country? Describe his style of rule.

How was education for women viewed at that time?

What is Minerva's goal?

What happened at the "party?"

3. Now, on with the show!

Remember to take notes on your chart. You are keeping track oF:
A. Danger
B. Family
C. Church
D. Government
E. Trickery
F. Courage
G. Struggles
H. Conflicts


Read: "The Things They Carried" by Tim O'Brien

List each character and list the things, physical and mental, that each carried. 

Monday, October 21, 2019

Week #10 - October 22-

Peer Editing Activity - Make the draft appear on your screen or provide a paper copy. 

You will be given a paper copy of the Peer Editing Checklist.

You will be assigned an editro.  Leave your Peer editing sheet at your desk. Swap places with your assigned editor.

Peer Editing Checklist

Use the following checklist to help you evaluate your partner’s writing.  Remember to offer two constructive suggestions and point out two parts you especially like.

Your Name _________________________  Author’s Name _______________________

  1. Can you identify the main idea or thesis in this essay?  Yes/No

  1. If so, write the thesis here___________________________________________________

  1. Does the thesis contain the author’s topic and his or her opinion or stand on this subject?  Yes/No

  1. Does this essay have an introduction?  Yes/No

  1. Does the introduction give an outline of what the author is going to talk about?  Yes/No Was the introduction effective? Explain.

  1. Is the writing clear and understandable?  Yes/No

  1. Are there parts of the essay that are unclear?  If so, underline them and put a question mark next to the passage.

  1. Is the essay clearly organized using one of the two patterns of organization for a comparison/contrast essay?  Yes/No Which pattern was used – point by point or topic by topic?

  1. Does each paragraph focus on one idea?  Yes/No

  1. Does each paragraph end with a transition sentence, smoothly connecting the ideas of the previous paragraph to the next?  Yes/No

  1. Does the essay contain persuasive language and strong vocabulary?  Highlight five to ten powerful words. Yes/No

  1. Also, list 5 nouns, verbs, or adjectives that you think could be changed for stronger words.

  1. Does the essay contain facts to support the claims made? Yes/No Name one.

  1. Does the essay have a concluding paragraph?  Yes/No

  1. Does the conclusion restate the main points of the essay in a new way and give a sense of completion and interest to the essay?  Yes/No

  1. Did the author convince you that one item was better than the other? Yes/No

Additional comments/suggestions:
I Like:                                                              Please work on:

2.                                                                     2.


Week #10 - Assignment #1 Final Comparison/Contrast copy
Revise and post your final copy by next Tuesday - October 29, 2019. (100 points)


Also submit the peer editing notes. On the back of the sheet, explain what you planned to do to revise.

Back to In the Time of the Butterflies. Fingers crossed! We will make this video work!

As you watch, take notes on the following: (Chart provided.)
1. Danger
2. Family
3. Church
4. Government
5. Trickery/Lies
6. Courage
7. Struggles
8. Courage

Plan B if the DVD player is dead -

Read "The Things They Carried" by Tim O'Brien

Keep track of the characters. By the end of the story, your list should include all of the physical and mental things that each character carried.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

October 17, 2019

Class Work

Getting started: Share your "art" selections. We will count off in threes. 1 & 2 will visit 3. then 2 and 3 will visit 1. Finally 1 and 3 will visit 2.

1. Find a partner . . . listen for the "how."  (Find someone who shares your quarter of the calendar.

You will be shariing your comparison/contrast charts. Be sure you have labeled if you used the point by point or item vs. item. 

Look for:
A. A fictional hero and a real person hero.
B.The type of chart that was created
C. Comparisons
D. Contrasts

From the chart, can you tell if the author prefers one over the other? Or, does the author think both are equal.

2. Let's look at some sample comparison/contrast essays:

Neat People vs. Sloppy People
By Suzanne Britt

(Handout - or look on CANVAS under the assignment. The essay is there.)

"Shopping in America"

Along with the middle of your essay which you have placed in chart form, you need an introduction and a conclusion. You also need transitions to help your essay flow.



Conclusions: Do


Write the draft of your comparison/contrast essay. Post by noon on Tuesday, October 22. 

Do include information about both heroes.
Do use one of the organizational patterns.
Do write an effective introduction.
Do include transitions.
Do write a powerful and memorable conclusion.
Do give credit to any sources that you quote or paraphrase in your essay.
Do include in-text citations as needed.

Keep in mind that you may include information from your "art" comparisons. 

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Week #9 - Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Activity #1

Heroes in art. Locate a work of art that features a real life and another work of art that features a fictious hero. Do find b art that you like. 

Looking at Art: Answer the following question for both pieces of art. Include both pictures. We will be sharing these. 

  1. What is the title of the work? How does the title help you to understand the message? What is the message?
  2. What is the most obvious image in the work. To where is your eye drawn?
  3. Look at the colors. Are they symbolic? Would the message be different if the colors were different? Explain.
  4. Study the shading and shadowing. How do these elements impact the overall message?
  5. Who is the artist? When was the work created? Is the artist's message about a specific event in history? What was going on in the world when the work was created? Is the art universal - speaks to people of all times and in all places, or is it limited to the audience for whom it was created.
  6. How does the work relate to us in 21st century America? 
  7. Share with two other students. Record their reactions.

Activity #2  Sample Comparison/Contrast Essay 
Neat People vs. Sloppy People
By Suzanne Britt

See the assignment on Canvas. 

Activity #3: Two Types of Graphic Organizers for Comparison/Contrast

Point by Point
Item vs. Item (Block)  Scroll through to the chartsl


Create a comparison/contrast chart for a real and fictional hero.

Use one of the two types of organization for the chart: Point by Point OR Item VS Item.

(25 points)

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Class Work

Movie Review Peer Editing

Either have your review showing on the screen of your computer, or give your partner a paper copy.

Paper rubric provided . . . listen for instructions. 

Homework:  Review the Peer Editing notes. Revise your draft. Post the final copy of the draft. The final copy is due on Tuesday. (50 points)  

Submit the paper copy of the Peer Editing notes. 

**************************************************************************Create a Word document to use as your note-taking sheet. Or, you may write on paper with the exception of the Quick Write. It goes in Canvas.  Activity #1

What is a hero?  
Your definition:

Dictionary definition:

How do the two definitions compare?

(Quick Write 12 minutes: Include the dictionary definition - copy/paste- give credit to your source - and then share your definition. Feel free to give an example of someone who is a hero.)

(25 points)

Activity #2: Locate two quotations about heroes. Explain why you  believe that the quotation is strong.

Activity #3

At your table, make a list of heroes - real and imaginary.  (2 minutes - There will be a prize for the winning table!)

Activity #4 

Heroes in art. Locate a work of art that features a hero. Do find a piece of art that you like. 

Reminder: Looking at Art

Looking at Art

  • What is the title of the work? How does the title help you to understand the message? What is the message?
  • What is the most obvious image in the work. To where is your eye drawn?
  • Look at the colors. Are they symbolic? Would the message be different if the colors were different? Explain.
  • Study the shading and shadowing. How do these elements impact the overall message?
  • Who is the artist? When was the work created? Is the artist's message about a specific event in history? What was going on in the world when the work was created? Is the art universal - speaks to people of all times and in all places, or is it limited to the audience for whom it was created.
  • How does the work relate to us in 21st century America? 
  • Share with two other students. Record their reactions. 

Writing About Heroes: Articles for Homework

"Why Are There So Few Heroes" by Scott T Allison Ph.D.

Read and summarize in a paragraph or two.

(10 points)

Homework: "Why We Need Heroes"  by Scott T Allison Ph.D.

Read  two articles from this list. In two paragraphs for each article, tell what you learned and expain why you do or do not believe the information. Be sure to identify the article read by including the title in your response. Use specific lines, words, or phrases from the articles to prove your point(s).  (20 points)

Total: 30 points

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Week #8 - Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Class Work

1. Finish viewing the Wall presentations . . . finish your notes.

2. Let's talk about movie reviews. What war movie did you watch?

This was the note sheet. You will submit it along with the movie review on Thursday, October 10.

Tips for writing a great movie review. Follow the steps outlined at this site.
More great tips:

Sample Reviews: We will look at one together in class and note what is and is not included.
Then you will look at one either by yourself or with a partner and, again, note what is and what is not included.

You are now ready to write your own movie review of the war movie you viewed over the weekend. The draft is due on Thursday. 

Post the draft in Canvas. 50 pts.


Name: _______________________________________ Date: ________/________/________
Movie Review Worksheet
Complete this worksheet to assist with writing your film review. Before the movie:
1. What is name of the movie? _________________________________________________________________________________
2. Who directed it? _________________________________________________________________________________
 3. What is the name of the book it was based on and who is the author? (If any.)_________________________________________________________________________________
During the movie:
  1. List the important characters as they appear. _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________
  2. Pay attention to the musical score and special effects.

3. Note the actors and characters. Were they believable? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
 2. Make a note of important events as they happen. _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________
After the movie:
  1. Write a short summary of the movie. _______________________________________________________________________ ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­
  2. What group of people would like this movie - in other words, who is the audience? _________________________________________________________________________________
  3. What is the lesson or moral of this movie? What did you learn from it? _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________
  4.  Describe a scene or part of the movie you liked _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________
  5.  Describe a scene or part of the movie you didn't like _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________
  6.  Overall, would you recommend this movie? Why or why not?

Activity #2 The music of war. (Saved for Thursday. Be sure to post your movie review by the beginning of class on Thursday. We will go on with the music after a peer editing activity.)

C. Join a group of three! Select ONE of the following. (One group per topic.)
  1. Revolutionary War
  2. French and Indian War
  3. Civil War
  4. World War I
  5. World War II
  6. Korean War
  7. Vietnam War
  8. Iraq/Afghanistan
  9. Other?

Look for and listen to war songs or songs associated with your group's era. What are the top three songe?

 A. Listen to at least three songs from your era.
B. Locate the lyrics
C. Tell how the lyrics relate to the war and the era. (If you don't know about the war or the era, do a bit of quick research.
D. Prepare to share one song with the class. Share how the lyrics relate to the war and the era. Consider:
 1. Why the song was popular
2. How it was representative of the war
3. Why it fit the time period. (What was going on in the world aside from the war?)
4. Explain why the song would or would not be popular today.

Your group will share the song and answers on Thursday. Make at least one slide that shows the lyrics and plays the song. 

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Week #7 Thursday - October 3, 2019

Presentations today!

Be sure that you have posted your PowerPoint in Canvas.

As a member of the audience, it is your responsibility to pay attention, take notes, and ask questions following the presentation. (Note sheet provided)

As the presenter, you will capture our attention and "sell" your wall. The audience wants to know why a trip to your wall would be a grand idea.

I will be using the same rubric we reviewed in class. Please sign your name(s) and the title of the presentation. Give the sheet to me at the beginning of your presentation.

Relax! Enjoy the journey to the many walls of the world!



1. Watch a war movie.

Take notes in preparation for writing a movie review.


Name: _______________________________________ Date: ________/________/________
Movie Review Worksheet
Complete this worksheet to assist with writing your film review. Before the movie:
1. What is name of the movie? _________________________________________________________________________________
2. Who directed it? _________________________________________________________________________________
 3. What is the name of the book it was based on and who is the author? (If any.)_________________________________________________________________________________
During the movie:
  1. List the important characters as they appear. _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________
  2. Pay attention to the musical score and special effects.

3. Note the actors and characters. Were they believable? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
 2. Make a note of important events as they happen. _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________
After the movie:
  1. Write a short summary of the movie. _______________________________________________________________________ ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­
  2. What group of people would like this movie - in other words, who is the audience? _________________________________________________________________________________
  3. What is the lesson or moral of this movie? What did you learn from it? _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________
  4.  Describe a scene or part of the movie you liked _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________
  5.  Describe a scene or part of the movie you didn't like _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 6. Overall, would you recommend this movie? Why or why not?

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

October 1, 2019 Week #7

Class Work

1. Make your PowerPoint appear on your computer screen. We will be peer editing to make sure that your presentation will be perfect.

Here is the rubric:

·         Photographs, graphic design, and clipart are useful and enhance the presentation
·         Title, author, and course identification are on the first slide
·         Works Cited page is the last frame and is in MLA format
·         Font size is at least 16
·         Footless Font is used
·         Color is of a deep enough contrast to be sassily read
·         Font colors are limited to three or four throughout the presentation
·         Bulleted points are limited to no more than six per slide
·         Six or fewer words per bullet are used
·         Headlines are effective
·         Spelling is correct
·         Punctuation is correct
·         End punctuation or no end punctuation is consistent when using bullets
·         Upper and lower case is used correctly
·         Animation is limited and necessary
·         Sound is limited and effective
·         A work of art is included
·         Point/thesis is clear
·         Supporting elements are evident
·         Introduction captures the attention of the audience
·         Conclusion contains a strong message
·         Clear steps for a “call to action” are obvious

Here are some additional tips:

Be sure to use bold print.
Avoid red, orange, and green font if possible as many people have trouble seeing those colors. (Yes, it does make one worry when coming to a stop light!)

2. Let's get ready for the presentation! You have 2 1/2 minutes to convince us to visit your wall. This is the rubric. 

Topic: The oral presentation is appropriately focused. You clearly communicate your understanding and purpose of the topic
Research Analysis: You demonstrate a clear and convincing command of the facts, information, research, and art. You included insightful explanations that help the audience understand your thesis.
Organization: Your presentation is clearly and logically organized with an engaging introduction, a logically sequenced body, and a clear and convincing conclusion.
Language: You use sophisticated and varied language that is suited to the topic and audience. Your tone is appropriate for the topic.
Delivery: You maintain appropriate eye contact, clearly project your voice, use gestures, and pace the presentation appropriately. Your stance is professional.
Overall Effectiveness: You remain enthusiastic and retain the attention of the audience. You achieve your purpose. You answer question effectively at the end of the presentation.

Watch and list what NOT to do in your presentation -

Homework: Post the final copy of your PowerPoint or Prezi presentation on Canvas. 

Practice and time = 2 1/2 minutes (really)

Bring your PowerPoint on a jump drive just in case it won't open on Canvas. The show must go on!

Be prepared! Be professional! Convince us that we want to visit your wall.