1. Reactions to the movie . . . Get in a circle of six and share your review of the movie. Discuss what you agreed upon and where the disagreements occurred.
2. Let's re-watch the ending of the movie together and answer these questions again:
- What ultimately happens to John?
- Who is responsible for the conclusion of the story? - John, the narrator, or the woman in the wallpaper?
Harry Potter: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SafKm0tsSOw
Titanic: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Mo9rGEtE2M
Ender's Game: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2SRizeR4MmU
Hunger Games: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EAzGXqJSDJ8
These are just a few ideas. For homework, watch a movie or recall a movie that you have seen where the setting was important.
Really watch the movie and focus on the setting.
Take notes on the time and place.
What mood was created by the setting?
What did the film makers do to create that mood through the setting?
Could the story happen in another time or place?
Write a one-page report where you answer these questions. Post in CANVAS. (50 pts.)
4. Let's create a mood through setting.
Together, let's brainstorm moods. (Each group send a scribe to the board. List there.)
Select a mood from the list. Think of a place that is the "picture" of that mood. Describe the place in vivid detail. Talk about it to the folks at your table. Create the mood. Use vivid imagery - sight, sound, touch, taste, smell, and movement.
Now, describe the place on paper and create the mood. Every word counts. You must do this in one page. Post in CANVAS. We will share these on Thursday.
Complete the diagnostic test on MyCompLab. It is due Thursday.