Tuesday, January 28, 2014

January 28, 2014 - Tuesday

Class Work (Homework assignments are in GREEN!)

1. Reactions to the movie . . . Get in a circle of six and share your review of the movie. Discuss what you agreed upon and where the disagreements occurred.
2. Let's re-watch the ending of the movie together and answer these questions again:
  • What ultimately happens to John?
  • Who is responsible for the conclusion of the story? - John, the narrator, or the woman in the wallpaper?
Here is a quick definition of setting. http://literary-devices.com/content/setting
3. How important is the setting to a novel, story, play, or movie. Think back to some of your favorite movies. Where did the movies take place? Could the story happen someplace else?

Harry Potter: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SafKm0tsSOw
Titanic: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Mo9rGEtE2M
Ender's Game: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2SRizeR4MmU
Hunger Games: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EAzGXqJSDJ8

These are just a few ideas. For homework, watch a movie or recall a movie that you have seen where the setting was important.
Really watch the movie and focus on the setting.
 Take notes on the time and place.
What mood was created by the setting?
What did the film makers do to create that mood through the setting?
Could the story happen in another time or place?

Write a one-page report where you answer these questions. Post in CANVAS. (50 pts.)

4. Let's create a mood through setting.

Together, let's brainstorm moods. (Each group send a scribe to the board. List there.)

Select a mood from the list. Think of a place that is the "picture" of that mood. Describe the place in vivid detail. Talk about it to the folks at your table. Create the mood. Use vivid imagery - sight, sound, touch, taste, smell, and movement.

Now, describe the place on paper and create the mood. Every word counts. You must do this in one page. Post in CANVAS. We will share these on Thursday.

Complete the diagnostic test on MyCompLab. It is due Thursday.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Class Work

A. What did you highlight in the story? After looking at it, would you say that this is a Gothic story?
Or, would you still classify it as a psychological thriller?

Create a chart - 2 columns. Label Column 1 - Psychological
Label Column 2 - Gothic Horror

In class, you will have time to list as much evidence as possible in each column. A discussion will follow.

B. On another note, consider the following:
What treatment and procedures is the narrator undergoing? How do these compare to the treatment that is recommended today?
 C. Let's look at the room where the narrator resides. Describe it. Of what does it remind you? Where would you expect to find rooms like this?
 D. Is it  possible that there really is a woman in the wallpaper? (Discuss)
E. What is the relationship between the narrator and John? What ultimately happens to John? Who is responsible for the conclusion of the story? - John, the narrator, or the woman in the wallpaper?

 Let's find out about the author, Charlotte Perkins Gilman
Read the information at these sites. (10 minutes) What similarities do you find between the protagonist and the author? Is this an autobiographical story? (Class discussion)

How do film makers view this story? Let's look.
PBS - movie: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4FFkaaXzj8k&feature=related
Note: We will not finish today.   
Finish watching for homework. Then, write a one-page review of the movie. What did you like? What needed to be changed? Rate the actors. Discuss the setting. How well did the movie reflect the story? What would you change if you were in charge of a new version of the film? Post in CANVAS. (50 pts.)

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

January 21, 2014 - Tuesday

Class Work

1. MyCompLab is ready. Use the following along with your pass code to register.
  • Course Name: English 102 - 1:00-2:15
  • Course ID: eaton39192
  • Be sure that you are registering for the correct course. Follow the instructions on the site to complete your registration.
  • If you are using a temporary code, you have 14 days from today's date to purchase the access code and to complete the permanent registration.
  • The first assignment for MYCompLab will be given on Thursday. Your task today is to get registered with either a permanent or temporary code.
2. Yellow/Yellow/Yellow - let's take a look at yellow in "The Yellow Wallpaper."
3. What is "yellow" in "The Yellow Wallpaper?" (Sharing) Why "yellow?" How would a color -change alter the story? (Discuss)
You will be assigned a color. Look it up. What does that color symbolize? Is it important in any way? Explain how the story would change if the wallpaper were your assigned color. (Post in CANVAS today. (10 pts.)
4. Let's explore Gothic elements. To make it easy, what would you expect to find in a haunted house?
Also, visit this site for ideas. Read/study for homework.
Think about it - is "The Yellow Wallpaper" a Gothic horror story?  After visiting the Virtual Salt link, reread the story. Highlight anything you find that is Gothic.  Create a list of 10 items and post the list in CANVAS. Also, write a paragraph explaining if you believe or do not believe that the story is a Gothic tale. (25 pts.) Also, bring the highlighted story to class on Thursday.

 5. What is Postpartum Depression? Do a quick search for the symptoms and current treatment of Postpartum Depression. http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/postpartum-depression/DS00546/DSECTION=symptoms (Other sites have information as well.)
We will review on Thursday. Also check MyCompLab. Click on Composing. Click to locate current research on this and other topics! Bring questions to class if you have difficulty locating the "research" area. 

Is it possible that the narrator is suffering from this disorder? What evidence exists? (Discussion)

We work on #6, 7, 8, and 9 on Thursday. For now, think about the questions. Bring ideas to share on Thursday.
 6. What treatment and procedures is the narrator undergoing? How do these compare to the treatment that is recommended today?
 7. Let's look at the room where the narrator resides. Describe it. Of what does it remind you? Where would you expect to find rooms like this?
 8. Is it  possible that there really is a woman in the wallpaper? (Discuss)

9. What is the relationship between the narrator and John? What ultimately happens to John? Who is responsible for the conclusion of the story? - John, the narrator, or the woman in the wallpaper?

Homework assignments are in GREEN!

Thursday, January 16, 2014

January 16, 1214 - Thursday

Class Work

1. Syllabus Review
2. Peer editing activity
NOTE: I ran into technical problem when I tried to create our class in MyCompLab. We will not register or use the program until Tuesday. I do apologize for the delay.
3. Let's talk about YELLOW. Share your list at your table. Who has the longest list?


Take a look at yellow possibilities.

4. Quick Write: Write about a memory that includes "yellow." Compose in Word and post in Canvas, or just compose in Canvas. You have 15 minutes.

5. What did wallpaper look like in the early 1900s?

6. The Short Story - "The Yellow Wallpaper"  
 http://www.gradesaver.com/the-yellow-wallpaper/e-text/section1/ You will be given a paper copy as you will need it to annotate and highlight.
By Tuesday, read the story and highlight anything that is yellow along with anything associated with "yellow." Note how  the descriptions change.


1. Revise your essay and post the final copy in CANVAS.
2. Read "The Yellow Wallpaper". Highlight and annotate all references to the color "yellow."

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Welcome - January 14, 2014

You located the blog! Congratulations. Please visit often. 

  1. Class work is posted here.
  2. Homework is posted here.
  3. Links to readings are posted here.
  4. You can quickly  see if your assignments should be posted in CANVAS or in MyCompLab.
  5. Your first assignment is to post a picture of yourself in CANVAS. This is worth 25 points. Seeing your face with your name helps me to learn your name in a timely manner. A selfie is just fine!
  6. Your second assignment is to read the syllabus and post at least three reaction statements. Consider these questions: What do you find interesting? What was surprising? Was anything confusing? What else do you want to know?
  7. Before we move on with the third assignment, let's get to know the other students in the class by playing a Getting to Know You game. Listen for the instructions.
  8. *******
    Let's get ready to write!
  • Take your camera/phone with your and walk around the hall and/or building. Find something that is representative of you. Perhaps you will see the turtles that are swimming in the area between buildings. Are you turtle-like? Do you take your time with things? Do you hide when shadows cross your path?
  • Maybe you will see a plant with stickers. Is life difficult? Do you fight the thorns? Can you thrive without much? Are you a survivor?
  • Whatever you find, make sure you can compare yourself to the picture you take.
  •   Do you have a favorite song? If so, why do you like the song? What does the song say about you? How is your life like the lyrics, or is it? Do you have memories associated with the song?
  • What is your motto? If you don't have a motto, take a look at a quotation site and find a quotation that represents something about you.
(My apologies, I cannot get the links to become active. Simply copy/paste the URL into the address space at the top of the page. Or, you can go to a search engine such as Yahoo or Google and do a search for quotation sites.)
  • Now, introduce yourself in writing - 1-2 pages. This is a draft. Post it in Canvas by the beginning of class on Thursday.  
  • Include the picture of the item you photographed to represent you. 
  •  Use the information about the song as it relates to you. 
  • Explain your motto. Feel free to include additional information. This is just a place to start.
Make a list of things that are YELLOW or that are associated with the color YELLOW. Bring a paper copy of the list to class with you on Thursday. There will be a prize for the person with the longest list! 
Happy Writing!