Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Exam Notes

You MUST be physically present the day of the exam. This is college policy.Our exam is Thursday, December 15, 2016.
AM Class: 8:00-9:50. Room 124
PM Class: 12:00-1:50 Room 122

You MUST be present on exam day. You may take the exam at either time.

Exam Topic: War
 Look back at previous blog posts for details.

  What to include in your essay:
  •      Introduction that:
    • Clearly identifies the topic
    • Identifies your position on the topic . Answers, "What's your point?"
  •     Body -
    • 3-5 clear reasons why the reader should believe you, the writer
    • These reasons need to be clearly supported with evidence . (Use in-text citations)
    • Literature, statistics, current media, news, interviews, art, quotations, history, etc. Persuade with these. You have a graphic organizer for this.
    • Your own thoughts about the subject - written in 3rd person unless you are including a personal example.
  • Conclusion - include possible solutions to the problem What do you want the reader to know, do, and/or understand as a result of reading your essay?  A good conclusion for a persuasive essay will leave the reader with a clear understanding and will help the reader to support your point of view.  
  • MLA Works Cited page
Follow the guidelines for MLA formatting and documentation throughout the essay.

Bring a paper copy of the draft to class for a peer editing activity that will count 10 points toward your exam grade.

Thursday, December 8, 2016

December 8, 2016 - Thursday


You MUST be physically present the day of the exam. This is college policy.

Our exam is Thursday, December 15, 2016.
AM Class: 8:00-9:50.
PM Class: 12:00-1:50

You MUST be present on exam day. You may take the exam at either time.

Class Work

AM Class: Finish In the Time of the Butterflies and discuss.

AM and  PM Classes: share and review introductions - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zDUPpKDQZIE
     A. Does the introduction capture the attention of the reader?
     B. Is the topic clearly identified?
     C. Is the author's position on the topic clear?
     D. Is there sufficient information to convince the reader that the topic is important and warrants the reading of the rest of the essay?

What to include in your essay:
  •      Introduction (See above for details)
  •     Body -
    • 3-5 clear reasons why the reader should believe you, the writer
    • These reasons need to be clearly supported with evidence . (Use in-text citations)
    • Literature, statistics, current media, news, interviews, art, quotations, history, etc. Persuade with these. You have a graphic organizer for this.
    • Your own thoughts about the subject - written in 3rd person unless you are including a personal example.
  • Conclusion - include possible solutions to the problem. A good conclusion . . . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2L7aeO9fBzE

How to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tAmgEa1B1vI

More information: https://www.kibin.com/essay-writing-blog/argumentative-essay-outline/

Pep talk! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AYo6XGDe_z8

Bring your rough draft to  the exam. Be sure you have a paper and electronic copy! During the exam you will:
1. Peer edit papers
2. Review and revise your essay
3. POST your final copy in CANVAS and submit a paper copy.
4. Submit your paper draft and peer editing notes.
5. Wave "good-bye" and go forth to enjoy the holidays and move on with life!

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

December 6, 2016 - Tuesday

Class Work

1. Review the questions for In the Time of the Butterflies/
2.  Talk about the exam - submit topics
3. Finish the movie and questions

When writing an essay, think of it as being in three parts.
A. Attention getting introduction including the claim
B. At least three good reasons supported with evidence (Use in-text citations)
C. A stunning conclusion

You must have a Works Cited page.
Use MLA Style.


1. Write the introduction to your essay - more if possible. Post in CANVAS by Thursday.
2. Bring your research notes to class as well.

You MUST be physically present the day of the exam. This is college policy.

Our exam is Thursday, December 15, 2016.
AM Class: 8:00-9:50.
PM Class: 12:00-1:50

You MUST be present on exam day. You may take the exam at either time.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

December 1, 2016 - Thursday

Reminder:  Our exam is Thursday, December 15, 2016.

AM Class: 8:00-9:50.
PM Class: 12:00-1:50

You MUST be present on exam day. You may take the exam at either time.

It is time to start thinking about your final paper. The topic you choose must relate to war, battle, walls, struggles, or a cause for which you would fight physically or with your time, money. 

Here is a graphic organizer to help you think, search, and organize. Do the center box first! All other boxes support your topic. (You may use the paper copy given to you in class, or you may copy/paste this graphic into a Word document and type away! You must submit your completed organizer with the exam.

Keep track of your sources. You need the sources for the Works Cited page.

Interview notes
Quotations from literature or music
Graphs and Charts
Sources of information: articles, books, pamphlets, government reports, magazine, and newspaper articles.
Items of interest/artifacts

 Now, on with the show! You need to answer the questions as they appear on the worksheet. We will discuss.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

November 29, 2016 - Tuesday

Class Work

1. Finish the wall presentations - last day.
2. Begin In the Time of the Butterflies.

Questions to answer:

1. At the beginning of the movie, where do the Mirabal sisters go? Who comes to visit?
2. What does Anita tell Minerva about Trujillo? What happened to Anita?
3. How many years did the girls spend at school?
4. What does Minerva want to study at the University?
5. What book does Leo give Minerva to read?
6. Why does Trujillo kill the black Haitians?
7. For what is Leo fighting?
8. How many of Leo’s  friends have disappeared?
9. To where are Minerva, her sisters and father invited?
10. What do Trujillo and Minerva talk about as they dance?
11. What does Minerva have to do to help her father? What does Minerva win?
12. What happened to Señor Mirabal? Why?

3. Be sure you have finished reading "The Things They Carried" by Thursday. You need to be ready for a class activity. http://pages.uoregon.edu/eherman/teaching/texts/OBrien_TheThingsTheyCarried.pdf

Here are the characters. List what each carried - physically and emotionally.

Jimmy Cross – field commander

Henry Dubbins – big man – big guns

Dave Jensen

Ted Lavender - tranquilizers

Pat Kiley- medic


Michael Sanders – you win some you loose some and sometimes you take a rain check

Lee Struck

Norman Bowker

Exam notes:
Our exam is Thursday, December 15, 2016.

AM Class: 8:00-9:50.
PM Class: 12:00-1:50

You MUST be present on exam day.


Tuesday, November 22, 2016

November 2, 2016 - Tuesday

Class Work

1. Let's go traveling!
  • Give a paper copy to at least four tables. Table teams - you will be viewing and discussing the brochures. (See the topics below.)
  • You will be given a note card. Place your name at the top. Write a brief paragraph explaining which wall you would like to visit and  explain what in the brochure convinced you.
Discuss the following:
  • Location
  • Cost
  • Geography 
  • Cities
  • History
  • Recreation
  • Entertainment
  • Climate
  • Transportation
  • Art/culture/museums
  • Language
  • Food
  • Graphics
  • Other . . .
Now, listen and view the individual brochures on the screen. At the end of the presentations, you will note on the back of the index card if your choice of walls remains the same or if you have decided to travel to a different wall. Explain your decision.


Enjoy the time with friends and family.
  • Catch up on missing assignments.
  •  Clearly note the title of the assignment and attach the work in a CANVAS message.
  • Be sure you can identify the things they carried from the story of he same name.
Image result for thanksgiving pictures

Thursday, November 17, 2016

November 17, 2016 - Thursday

Class Work

1. Brochure - questions, please!
2.. Movie reaction/review - should others see that movie?
Watch a war movie. You will be writing a movie review in the future. If you need ideas, Google "Famous War Movies" and review the lists that pop up.
 Sharing . . .
Pay attention to:
1.Finish the brochure. We will share on Tuesday.
2. Revise the movie review.
3. Read: "The Things They Carried" by Tim O'Brien. Make  list of the characters and note what each did in the story. http://pages.uoregon.edu/eherman/teaching/texts/OBrien_TheThingsTheyCarried.pdf

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

November 15, 2016 - Tuesday

Class Work

If you have not yet presented your GUM lesson, today is the day!  We will participate in a short review activity on Thursday. You may use your notes at that time.

Let's look back at information from Thursday's blog. How is your wall activity coming along? (Time to share.)

Wall Research
     Select a wall
     Find the who, what, when, where, why, and how of your wall.
  •           Who built it?
  •           Of what is it made?
  •           When was it built?
  •           Where is it located?
  •           Why was it built?
  •           How was it built?
     These should be fully researched answers. Give credit to your sources. Check at least three when locating the answers.
Locate at least one picture of the wall to include with your report. Your report will be in the form of a travel brochure. Your audience will include people who travel your people who long to travel.
  • Keep in mind that travel can be expensive. Present your information in such a way that people will be longing to come and visit your wall.
  • People want the most for their money. Tell them about the climate. Explain what other attractions are also in the area.
  • Here is a link to Things to Include in a Travel Brochure: http://www.readwritethink.org/files/resources/lesson_images/lesson961/Things2Include.pdf
    You do not need to include all items. Include the information that seems most interesting to you and to your audience.
Let's go traveling today! Take a look at these wonderful destinations!https://www.notesfromtheroad.com/

Look for:
  • Are there maps? photos? diagrams? other illustrations?
  • What kind of language and vocabulary is used?
  • How is text presented? paragraphs? bulleted lists?
  • Are there specific places highlighted? What kind?
Creating your brochure:
Brochure templates are available with WORD and on-line. Be sure to include the following:
1. Historically accurate content.
2. Answers to the who, what, when, where, and why questions.
3. Correct grammar, usage, and mechanics. You may use bulleted lists in some instances and complete sentences in others.
4. Visuals
5. Clear reasons why the traveler should go.
This project is due one week from today -November 22. Submit on CANVAS and have five paper copies available - one for each table. You will be presenting orally and visually.
Brochure: 75 points
Presentation: 25 points

What war movie did you watch over the weekend? How did it stack up in categories listed? Let's look at the "how to" write a movie review guidelines as listed last Thursday.

Watch a war movie. You will be writing a movie review in the future. If you need ideas, Google "Famous War Movies" and review the lists that pop up.
Pay attention to:
Your draft is due on Thursday, November 17, 2016. (50 points)

Thursday, November 10, 2016

November 10, 2016 - Thursday

Class Work
1. Finish GUM presentations.
2. Wall Research
     Select a wall
     Find the who, what, when, where, why, and how of your wall.
  •           Who built it?
  •           Of what is it made?
  •           When was it built?
  •           Where is it located?
  •           Why was it built?
  •           How was it built?
     These should be fully researched answers. Give credit to your sources. Check at least three when locating the answers.

Locate at least one picture of the wall to include with your report. Your report will be in the form of a travel brochure. Your audience will include people who travel your people who long to travel.
  • Keep in mind that travel can be expensive. Present your information in such a way that people will be longing to come and visit your wall.
  • People want the most for their money. Tell them about the climate. Explain what other attractions are also in the area.
  • Here is a link to Things to Include in a Travel Brochure: http://www.readwritethink.org/files/resources/lesson_images/lesson961/Things2Include.pdf

    You do not need to include all items. Include the information that seems most interesting to you and to your audience.
Let's go traveling today! Take a look at these wonderful destinations!

Look for:
  • Are there maps? photos? diagrams? other illustrations?
  • What kind of language and vocabulary is used?
  • How is text presented? paragraphs? bulleted lists?
  • Are there specific places highlighted? What kind?
Creating your brochure:
Brochure templates are available with WORD and on-line. Be sure to include the following:
1. Historically accurate content.
2. Answers to the who, what, when, where, and why questions.
3. Correct grammar, usage, and mechanics. You may use bulleted lists in some instances and complete sentences in others.
4. Visuals
5. Clear reasons why the traveler should go.
This project is due one week from today. Submit on CANVAS and have five paper copies available - one for each table. You will be presenting orally and visually.
Brochure: 75 points
Presentation: 25 points
Other homework:  Watch a war movie. You will be writing a movie review in the future. If you need ideas, Google "Famous War Movies" and review the lists that pop up.
Pay attention to:
  • music
  • sound
  • acting
  • directing
  • plot
  • visual effects
  • costuming

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

November 8, 2016 - Election Day - Tuesday

Class Work

7:30 am class
1. Share the "rock" papers.
2. Please get your visual ready to share. Be sure you have it on CANVAS and/or on a jump drive. Here was the assignment:
Fix-it advice for other GUM problems_
  • Use of commas
  • There/their/they're
  • two/too/to
  • possessives
  • numbers vs. numerals
  • Point of view -1, 2, 3
  • who/whom/whoever,whomever/whose
  • your/you're/yore
  • its/it's
  • that/which/who
  • between/among
  • less/fewer
  • parallel structure
  • direct quotations (conversation)
  • punctuating dates
  • past/present/future . . . be consistent in your essay
  • lay/lie
  • hear/here
1. Select one of the items listed above. (One choice per person) You will become our resident expert on the topic.
A. Learn the rules and be ready to share.
B. Create/find a visual to help us remember the rules!
C. Provide sample sentences.
D. Create a five question quiz to test our understanding. (I need a paper copy of this on Tuesday.)

PowerPoint or Prezi , please. However, if you get a different idea, please clear it with me.

12:00 Class - See above. You will be presenting on Thursday.

All:  Now that you are experts on rocks, what do you know about walls?

A. "Mending Wall" by Robert Frost  https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems-and-poets/poems/detail/44266

Image result for new england rock walls
Image result for new england rock walls

Preview of coming attractions . . .
Select a wall for research. There are many walls around the world . . . let's brainstorm a few.
Select one. You will become the class expert on this wall. You only need to select the wall by Thursday.

Thursday, November 3, 2016

November 4, 2016 - Thursday

Class Work

A. All about a rock . . . share, please!
B. Getting rid of run-on sentences-
  • A PowerPoint! http://grammar.ccc.commnet.edu/grammar/powerpoint.htm

    •  View: Our Friend the Semicolon and Avoiding Run-on Sentences
    Class Work/Homework
    1.Take the practice quizzes. Report your scores and explain your progress for each. (30 points)

    C. Fix-it advice for other GUM problems_
    • Use of commas
    • There/their/they're
    • two/too/to
    • possessives
    • numbers vs. numerals
    • Point of view -1, 2, 3
    • who/whom/whoever,whomever/whose
    • your/you're/yore
    • its/it's
    • that/which/who
    • between/among
    • less/fewer
    • parallel structure
    • direct quotations (conversation)
    • punctuating dates
    • past/present/future . . . be consistent in your essay
    • lay/lie
    • hear/here
    1. Select one of the items listed above. (One choice per person) You will become our resident expert on the topic.
    A. Learn the rules and be ready to share.
    B. Create/find a visual to help us remember the rules!
    C. Provide sample sentences.
    D. Create a five question quiz to test our understanding. (I need a paper copy of this on Tuesday.)

    PowerPoint or Prezi , please. However, if you get a different idea, please clear it with me.

    Tuesday, November 1, 2016

    November 1, 2016 - Tuesday

    Class Work

    1. Share a memoir.
    • Share at your table.
    • Share with the class.
    2. Adopt a rock  - listen for instructions

    3. Learn to fix those pesky run-on sentences and comma splices!
    (7:30 am and 12:00 pm . . . we will save this for Thursday!)
  • A PowerPoint! http://grammar.ccc.commnet.edu/grammar/powerpoint.htm

    •  View: Our Friend the Semicolon and Avoiding Run-on Sentences
    1.Take the practice quizzes. Report your scores and explain your progress for each. (30 points)

    2. Polish your memoir and post the revision. (100 points)

    3. Create a three-four paragraph paper "All About a Rock!" (30 points)
    You can:
    • Personify your rock. Introduce your rock as if it were a person.
    • Sell your rock. Create an ad appropriate for radio and convince listeners to buy your rock!
    • Use your rock as the main item in a story, memoir, or report.

    Thursday, October 27, 2016

    Thursday - October 27, 2016

    Class Work

    1. Questions & Concerns about the technology essay . . .
    2. Memoir Sharing - table activity
    3. Details, please!
    • What are details?
    • What is the difference between important details and "extras" - information that could be left out?
    4. Let's look back at one of the sample memoirs.
    • Select one for your table.
    • One person will read the memoir out loud to the group.
    • One person will make a list of important details.
    • The others will stop the reading when an important detail is mentioned.
    Review the list. Based on what you wrote, how would you define "important details?

    5. Let's take a look at some tips: http://www.novel-writing-help.com/details-in-writing.html
    And now, let's study some samples of sensory details: http://writing.colostate.edu/guides/guide.cfm?guideid=91

    Homework:  Go back through your memoir and add details that bring the memory to life! Post your revision by Tuesday, November 1, 2016

    6. You are now ready to adopt a rock - if time permits.

    Monday, October 24, 2016

    No Class October 25

    I regret that we will not be meeting in person on Tuesday, October 25. Please use the time to work on the final copy of your technology "friend or foe" essay.

    Also, be sure to read the three sample personal essays that were handed out on Thursday. If you were absent, just look at the post from October 20. The links are there as well as on CANVAS.

    In addition to reading the brief essays, think about what you will record as your own memory paper.
    1. A memoir is a true story.
    2. You are the star of the story!
    3. Conversation is more informal than formal. In other words, people sound the same way they talk. However, please used correct punctuation.
    4. The memoir teaches a lesson of some sort. It makes a point.

    On Thursday,  be ready to share two possibilities for a personal memoir. Also note the point you plan to make or the lesson you plan to teach the reader.

    Hopefully, the sample papers helped you to think of personal experiences that would lead to great writing!

    Contact me on CANVAS if you have questions or concerns.

    Wednesday, October 19, 2016

    Thursday, October 20, 2016

    Yes, we have class today! Please bring a paper copy of your draft to class for an activity. You may print in class if you use the school computers.

    Class Work

    1. Peer editing activity . . . listen for the instructions.

    2. Getting ready to write a memoir.

    Activity #1
    A. Read all three sample memoirs.
    B. Summarize each sample in a 5-10 sentence paragraph.
    C. Note the lesson learned for each.
    D. Post in CANVAS. (Due - Thursday, October 27) (60 points)

  • http://www.southernliving.com/community/
  • "The Ghost of Halloween Past" by Rick Bragg (handout)
  • "Fish Cheeks" by Amy Tan (handout and http://www.mpsaz.org/rmhs/staff/dmsokol/101/files/amy_tan_fish_cheeks_.pdf

  • Activity #2
    Write the final copy of the Technology: Friend or Foe? essay.
    A. Use MLA style
    B. Include in-text citations.
    C. Include the Works Cited page.
    Helpful MLA Information: http://web.calstatela.edu/library/guides/3mla.pdf
    (100 points) Due: Tuesday, October 25, 2016

    Monday, October 17, 2016

    No Class on Tuesday, October 18

    Due to a family emergency, we will not be meeting tomorrow, Tuesday. I was hoping to be back in Phoenix, in time for class, but the early flights out of Baltimore were sold out. I do apologize.

    Please finish the draft of your technology essay. Bring a paper copy to class on Thursday. I promise. I will be back! I have a plane ticket in hand.

    Happy writing. Let me know if you have questions or concerns. 

    Wednesday, October 12, 2016

    October 13, 2016 - Thursday

    Notice: We will NOT be meeting on Thursday, October 13, 2016. I was called out of town to help with a family emergency.

    Please use the time to work on the rest of the technology paper. If you have misplaced the directions, look at Tuesday's blog post.

    If you have questions, feel free to contact me on CANVAS.

    Tuesday, October 11, 2016

    October 11, 2016

    Class Work

    1. Continue with the presentations.
    • Take notes and submit after the last presentation.
    2. Share what you discovered during the interviews.
    • Interview a fellow classmate. Use the same questions. Add to your notes. Remember to ask permission to use the classmate's name and answers in your paper if you decide to use any statements in the essay.
    3. You are now ready to write your draft. Let's review the guidelines for the essay again.

    Technology – Friend or Foe?

    For this essay, you are writing to convince the opposition. Consider the dangers and advantages of technology. For this essay, you must pick a side. Think of this essay as a debate on paper. You must know what the opposition thinks, but you do not support that point of view.

    I.                    Introduction –

    a.       Identify the specific technology you will be discussing – cell phone, computer, automobile, dishwasher, microwave, GPS, video games, television, apps, photography etc.

    b.      Capture the attention of the audience in the normal way with startling statistics, an interesting anecdote, a quotation from an expert, lines from a song or poem, a thought provoking question, etc. In short, make sure that what you say makes the reader want to know more.

    c.       In addition, state your thesis – make your point of view clear! –

    d.      Use claims, reasons, and evidence to build your case

    II.                  The body of the paper will do several things –

    a.       Convince the reader that they either need or do not need the technology.

    b.      Provide a brief history of the specific technology you plan to discuss. What was life like before its invention? When was it invented? How has it evolved? What is its story?

    c.       Provide clear evidence to support your point of view. You must have proof from at least four of the following:

                                                                   i.      At least three experts/sources. You may use the articles studied in class and articles that specifically relate to your chosen technology.

                                                                 ii.      A current news source such as a newspaper or magazine article or news cast.

                                                                iii.      An interview with at least one user.

                                                               iv.      A personal anecdote.

                                                                 v.      Lines from literature – poem, short story, or novel. “There Will Come Soft Rains”  and “The Veldt” were studied in class. You may use other SciFi literature.

                                                               vi.      A work of art.

                                                              vii.      Strong statistics from an expert source.

    The body of the paper will be several paragraphs in length.

    III.                Conclusion –

    Wrap it up for the readers. Leave them with a call to action to either give up or get the gadget you are supporting. Be sure they know why they need or do not need one. Consider:

    a.       Convenience

    b.      Cost

    c.       Safety

    d.      Environmental impact

    e.      Impact on society
    4. Claims, reasons, and evidence -
    • What is your claim? Is your selected technology a friend or foe? Pick a side - one side only.
    • Why is this true? (Develop three reasons.)
    • What proof do you have that these reasons are correct? (This is where you prove your point with evidence.
    5. Focus on your introduction:
    6. Homework: Submit your introduction on CANVAS by Thursday. In addition to the introduction, submit at least one strong reason why your claim is true and include evidence from two or more sources. We will share these on Thursday. Have a paper copy handy or plan to print one in class when you arrive.
    Happy Writing!