AM Class: 8:00-9:50. Room 124
PM Class: 12:00-1:50 Room 122
You MUST be present on exam day. You may take the exam at either time.
Exam Topic: War
Look back at previous blog posts for details.
What to include in your essay:
- Introduction that:
- Clearly identifies the topic
- Identifies your position on the topic . Answers, "What's your point?"
- Body -
- 3-5 clear reasons why the reader should believe you, the writer
- These reasons need to be clearly supported with evidence . (Use in-text citations)
- Literature, statistics, current media, news, interviews, art, quotations, history, etc. Persuade with these. You have a graphic organizer for this.
- Your own thoughts about the subject - written in 3rd person unless you are including a personal example.
- Conclusion - include possible solutions to the problem What do you want the reader to know, do, and/or understand as a result of reading your essay? A good conclusion for a persuasive essay will leave the reader with a clear understanding and will help the reader to support your point of view.
- MLA Works Cited page
Bring a paper copy of the draft to class for a peer editing activity that will count 10 points toward your exam grade.