1. Share the war songs at your table ... no fewer than three may be at a table.
Take turns:
- Play the song and identify the artists involved
- Identify the war and nations involved
- Why was the song popular, or was it?
- Love song
- Rally song
- Marching song
- Protest song
- Funeral song
- Other
Pick one person from your table to share the presentation with the class. Take notes on the presentations of others. After each, write two sentences about the song.
2. What things did you carry to class today? What do the things that you carry say about you? Quick Write Activity
- First, list all the things that you carry
- Next, make a connection to the things that you carry and to you as a person. (Sentences, please!)
3. Begin "The Things They Carried" by Tim O'Brien. You need to make a list of the things carried by each character. Some carry actual objects. Others carry emotional burdens. Some carry both.
Post your lists on Canvas. Clearly list what each carried. Also, write two sentences explaining what you know about the characters as a result of the things that they carried.