1. Print a paper copy of your "war" essay and give it to me. Feel free to take the next 5-10 minutes to go into the hall and use other computers and printers. Thanks!
2. Something new!
Getting ready to write a memoir.
- Define "memoir"
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b10Q2pc_pl4 (Ten tips) or https://theamericanscholar.org/how-to-write-a-memoir/#.WAhZ-48rKUk (Voice of an expert author)
- http://www.barbaradoyen.com/writing-nonfiction/what-is-a-memoir-what-makes-a-memoir-different-from-an-autobiography-or-biography (Good tips!)
- Take a look: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PLHkuSpJxPs (Video)
- Working with the other students at your table, create a definition of "memoir" as it applies to writing. Post your definition on the board.
- Read and analyze three samples:
- "Working Cattle - We'd Hate to Love It" by Kevin Hoogendoornor http://english-iv-honors-e-block.sutton.hs.schoolfusion.us/modules/locker/files/get_group_file.phtml?gid=4440989&fid=26275658
- "Fish Cheeks" by Amy Tan and http://www.mpsaz.org/rmhs/staff/dmsokol/101/files/amy_tan_fish_cheeks_.pdf
- · "Chariots of My People" by Rick Bragg http://www.southernliving.com/culture/rick-bragg-truck-make-model?xid=sl_socialflow_facebook·· "A Charmed Life" by Wade Rouse (Handout only)· "If Only"by Paul Monahan https://arielstess.files.wordpress.com/2012/02/narration-longman.pd·o Look at the check list for writing narratives. A memoir is a type of narrative.
Lesson learned.
Homework (60 points)
Start thinking about an event from your life that you could use to write a memoir. Bring in a paper copy of three possible ideas. Also post in CANVAS.
For each -
1. Briefly relay the story. Just start writing for five minutes - that's five minutes for each idea.
2. Identify the people involved
3. State the "lesson learned."